What is DTF Printing and How to use Custom DTF Rolls?

What is DTF Printing and How to use Custom DTF Rolls?

DTF (direct-to-film) printing is a popular method of printing onto garments, and it requires the use of DTF film transfers. DTF film transfers are a type of transfer film that comes in a roll format, making them convenient and cost-effective for larger printing projects. If you're new to using custom DTF transfer rolls, here are some steps to get you started:

1. Choose the Right DTF Transfer Film Roll

The first step in using DTF film rolls is to choose the right type of film for your needs. Luckily, we already got this covered! With our vast expertise in DTF Transfers we make sure that you are using the highest quality films for your garments.

2. Prepare Your Artwork

This step involves creating a digital file of your design, which can be done using graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Your artwork should be sized and positioned to fit onto the DTF film roll, and it should be saved as a high-resolution file.

3. Upload Your Artwork to dtfland.com

Instead of loading the DTF film roll onto your printer, you'll need to upload your artwork to dtfland.com. This involves creating a digital file of your design, which can be done using graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Your artwork should be sized and positioned to fit onto the DTF film roll, and it should be saved as a high-resolution file. Once you have your digital file ready, you can upload it to dtfland.com and place your order for DTF film rolls.

By using dtfland.com, you can take advantage of our expertise in DTF printing and ensure that your artwork is printed onto high-quality DTF transfer film rolls. Once your order is complete, you'll receive your order, and you can proceed with transferring your design onto your garment using a heat press.

4. Transfer the Design onto the Garment

Once you receive your custom DTF transfers, you can transfer them onto the garments. This involves using a heat press to apply heat and pressure to the film, causing it to adhere to the garment.

5. Remove the Film from the Garment

After the transfer process is complete, you can remove the DTF film from the garment. This should be done carefully to avoid damaging the print or the garment. 

In conclusion, DTF film rolls are a convenient and cost-effective way to produce high-quality prints on a wide range of fabrics. By choosing the right type of film, preparing your artwork, loading the film onto your printer, printing your design onto the film, transferring the design onto the garment, and removing the film from the garment, you can achieve great results with DTF film rolls.